Main Dialog
From TimeSnapper
Revision as of 04:45, 22 March 2009 by Atlioddsson (talk | contribs)
- Clicking the record button will start TimeSnapper's regular recording process and minimize the dialog to the system tray (the bottom right corner close to the clock)
Interval setting
- The number of seconds that pass until a new screenshot is taken
Filters dropdown and filter "..." button
- Allows you to set the active filter
- Opens the list of filters screen
Play button
- Opens the Day Browser where you can play your day, just like a movie
Find button
- Opens the Activity Overview dialog where you can search for screen shots and slice & dice your data
Reports button
- Opens the Reports dialog
- Exit the application
Go To
- Takes you quickly to another part of TimeSnapper
Tools > Timesheet
- Takes you to the timesheet screen
Tools > Advanced > Import images from older version
- If you've moved images around and they are not showing up in TimeSnapper - you might need to import them. TimeSnapper keeps a database of where all the images are located, so if you move them around you need to tell TimeSnapper.