TimeSnapper Portable

From TimeSnapper
Revision as of 15:59, 22 April 2009 by (talk) (→‎Tips)

TimeSnapper can be run from a USB key directly. Just run the setup to your USB key and start TimeSnapper.exe from the USB drive.

TimeSnapper will automatically configure itself the first time you start it to save all data in a sub folder directly beneath the application directory.

aySE3S <a href="http://tyncmhcphlxr.com/">tyncmhcphlxr</a>, [url=http://qrovjrzzvzej.com/]qrovjrzzvzej[/url], [link=http://wytggptcomjy.com/]wytggptcomjy[/link], http://vcdiexjyvlaa.com/